My Life and Photography.
It began some years ago now, in the times of disposable cameras and Max Spielmann shops on the high street.
Ah yes, remember those days? When you would snap away until the counter finally hit ‘zero’ and off you’d tootle down to the shop to get them developed. You’d wait with bated breath until your images were finally ready to be picked up, only to quickly realise that most of them were hideously out of focus, you’d made the mistake of shooting directly into the sun and each of your subjects would be blessed with the infamous ‘red-eye’ making you all look like vampires! How things have moved on.
Nowadays, its all about the smart phone and who isn’t out capturing nearly every aspect of their lives on camera?
My Story
For me, photography is not only just a way of being able to capture the beauty in our world, one frame at a time, but it allows us to think and reminisce about the stories behind the stills, because everything has its own unique (and most of the time; interesting) narrative to tell. For most things are where they are for a reason. Alongside much of my work, I try to tell this story or at least give you a glimpse of something that little more than what you’re seeing with the eye.
I am not a professional photographer. If you were to Google photography, in a microsecond, your screen would be filled with millions and millions of stunning images of the world from extraordinary talents. You won’t find me pulling out my Leica 35mm camera from yesteryear or dabbling in Victorian collodian photography. I can’t be doing with that in all honesty! But, I am passionate in capturing the world in my own unique way, and showcasing its story, importance and beauty - and sharing it with you. You can call my style ‘eclectic.’ This is that you won’t find me specialising in one subject matter and Britain is a fantastic place where worlds collide. History, industry, nature, urban, country, old and new.
Culture, religion, spirituality, landscape. Whatever your taste, you may find it closer than you think.
It gives me enormous pleasure to showcase my work and I am forever grateful to everyone who has been so kind and generous, over the years. There’s nothing quite like looking back on past images and saying “do you remember that?” Photography is more accessible than ever before so; get out there and explore!
There is so much to see and capture.

My Kit.
It’s not all about the kit. What truly matters is the subject that you’re photographing and what more advanced equipment enables you to do is photograph it with more options - which can sometimes be quite overwhelming! The more more options and capabilities you have, the more exciting you can make your imagery and the fun of the experiment. Photography is as much of a science as it is of art.
Canon R5 Mirrorless Camera
DJI Mini 3 Pro Drone
Canon 18-135mm lens
Canon 70-300mm lens
Canon 50mm lens
Retro-pia 35mm Vintage lens
K&F Concept Nano-X ND1000 filter
Velbon DF50 tripod
Adobe Lightroom